Revelation 10:7 states that when the seventh angel begins to sound the mystery of God is finished. If this trumpet has been sounding since the 19th century the mystery of God is already finished. This is not so. To understand more about when the mystery of God finishes go to :
THE CLOSE OF PROBATION study on this website.
Is the censer thrown down in Revelation 8:5?
It is not the censer that is being thrown down. Rather coals of fire are being cast into the earth. To find out more about this AMAZING PROPHETIC REVELATION go to THE LATTER RAIN STUDY on this website.
The coming of the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION was a threat those in Jerusalem in 66 AD were warned about by Christ himself. Today we are also warned about an ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION that will take place in the very near future. Be very surprised at WHO will be regarded as the final ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. Go to the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION power point and study on this website.
REVELATION ELEVEN is a central chapter within the book of Revelation that reveals the final scenes for God's commandment keeping people in their struggle to warn the world to 'Come out of Babylon'. The TWO WITNESSES prophesy in sackcloth and empowered by the spirit of God bear a true and faithful witness to the creator God of the universe. Go to the study on REVELATION ELEVEN to find out about the timing of this prophecy and the immense struggle soon to take place on planet earth.
Josiah Litch predicted the downfall of the Ottoman Empire on August 11 1840. This was heralded as the fulfillment of the sixth trumpet: Did you know that he also predicted the end of the sixth plague and the close of probation on the same date. Click here JOSIAH LITCH to find out what really happened on August 11th 1840.
Understanding of the trumpets, seals and plagues was sealed in the days of our Advent pioneers. and only now are we privileged to see that portion of Daniel which was sealed –THE SEVEN THUNDERS – begin to make sense in the context of the pioneers experience and disappointment.
Prophecies can be applied to historical events but all prophecies have a complete or ultimate fulfilment where EVERY specification in the prophecy is met ("The burden of the prophecy"). If Ellen White applied a prophecy to the past and then also applied the same prophecy to the future does this make her a futurist or a false prophet? To find out more about how we need to view prophecies and how they are fulfilled see WAS ELLEN WHITE A FUTURIST?- a slideshow on this website.
The 'Trinity' doctrine's insidious march into the Adventist church today mirrors the stealth with which idols crept into the worship of God's people from the foot of Sinai. Discover how prophecy in the Bible uncovers the trinity's place and significance in end time events. Go to THE SDA GOLDEN CALF for this AMAZING REVELATION!
THE CLOSE OF PROBATION study on this website.
Is the censer thrown down in Revelation 8:5?
It is not the censer that is being thrown down. Rather coals of fire are being cast into the earth. To find out more about this AMAZING PROPHETIC REVELATION go to THE LATTER RAIN STUDY on this website.
The coming of the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION was a threat those in Jerusalem in 66 AD were warned about by Christ himself. Today we are also warned about an ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION that will take place in the very near future. Be very surprised at WHO will be regarded as the final ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. Go to the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION power point and study on this website.
REVELATION ELEVEN is a central chapter within the book of Revelation that reveals the final scenes for God's commandment keeping people in their struggle to warn the world to 'Come out of Babylon'. The TWO WITNESSES prophesy in sackcloth and empowered by the spirit of God bear a true and faithful witness to the creator God of the universe. Go to the study on REVELATION ELEVEN to find out about the timing of this prophecy and the immense struggle soon to take place on planet earth.
Josiah Litch predicted the downfall of the Ottoman Empire on August 11 1840. This was heralded as the fulfillment of the sixth trumpet: Did you know that he also predicted the end of the sixth plague and the close of probation on the same date. Click here JOSIAH LITCH to find out what really happened on August 11th 1840.
Understanding of the trumpets, seals and plagues was sealed in the days of our Advent pioneers. and only now are we privileged to see that portion of Daniel which was sealed –THE SEVEN THUNDERS – begin to make sense in the context of the pioneers experience and disappointment.
Prophecies can be applied to historical events but all prophecies have a complete or ultimate fulfilment where EVERY specification in the prophecy is met ("The burden of the prophecy"). If Ellen White applied a prophecy to the past and then also applied the same prophecy to the future does this make her a futurist or a false prophet? To find out more about how we need to view prophecies and how they are fulfilled see WAS ELLEN WHITE A FUTURIST?- a slideshow on this website.
The 'Trinity' doctrine's insidious march into the Adventist church today mirrors the stealth with which idols crept into the worship of God's people from the foot of Sinai. Discover how prophecy in the Bible uncovers the trinity's place and significance in end time events. Go to THE SDA GOLDEN CALF for this AMAZING REVELATION!