Josiah Litch's predictions. What happened on August 11th 1840
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What you are about to read has been a long time coming. There has been a lot of soul searching as there has been a lot of concern as to how this material is going to be received by many. I have agonized over what I am about to share with you as it will undoubtedly upset a lot of people. This is not my intention and if you are reading this I pray that you will have a humble heart that is motivated by a love for truth and not tradition. Do not be an ostrich and put your head in the sand but prayerfully consider the evidence and seek for the truth. So what is this all about?
I have been an Adventist all my life and I have always believed in the Spirit of Prophecy. If we do not believe in the Spirit of Prophecy we will not have the understanding necessary to keep us on the straight path. Within Adventism the standard position regarding prophecy comes from a historicist interpretation. This means that nearly all of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation are applied to the past. There are only a few that still have an application in the future. The 7 churches, 7 Seals, and 7 trumpets are mostly fulfilled in the past. This interpretation of prophecy seemed to have some validity until I came across some statements from the Spirit of Prophecy which challenge some of those ideas. I am only going to consider the trumpets in this study.
14MR 287 “Solemn events before us are yet to transpire. Trumpet after trumpet is to be sounded, vial after vial poured out one after another upon the inhabitants of the earth.”
This statement is widely known by most people who have an interest in prophecy. Yet many write this statement off because it does not fit with their historicist interpretation, it is just ignored or its existence is denied. The most common answer I have heard is: It just says trumpet after trumpet; It doesn’t say anything about the 7 trumpets.
Unfortunately this type of answer just does not cut it when all you want is to know the truth. This statement was written Dec 22 1890 and it is clearly referring to future events from that date.
Ellen White says: In the future trumpet after trumpet is going to sound one after another upon the inhabitants of the earth.
She also says: Vial after vial is going to be poured out on after another upon the inhabitants of the earth.
If a person denies that this is referring to the seven trumpets. Then they should also have to deny that the seven last plagues are also being referred to. A person who believes that the trumpets have a historical fulfillment cannot accept this statement for what it says as it contradicts a historical fulfillment of the trumpets.
If this was the only statement in the Spirit of prophecy that suggests the trumpets to be future events you might be tempted to think that it’s not significant enough and try to dismiss it. But the Bible says:
2 Corinthians 13:1 In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
So here is the second witness!
Ellen White had just been through a severe hail storm when she made the following comment:
15MR 219.1 “This is the sharpest experience I have ever had in a carriage in a storm. When the blackness deepened, with the clouds in the south, I supposed it would be no ordinary storm that we should have, and I thought of the day when the judgment of God would be poured out upon the world, when blackness and horrible darkness would clothe the heavens as sackcloth of hair. We have no question but our prayers were answered and the angel of God stood by the horses' heads. Nothing was broken. The Lord preserved us, and His name shall be glorified. But I was deeply impressed. My imagination anticipated what it must be in that period when the Lord's mighty voice shall give commission to His angels, "Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth" (Revelation 16:1).
Thy right hand, O God, shall dash in pieces Thine enemies. Revelation 6 and 7 are full of meaning. Terrible are the judgments of God revealed. The seven angels stood before God to receive their commission. To them were given seven trumpets.”
Note – Her comment here is related specifically to the future judgments of God upon the earth.
She mentions the heavens clothed in darkness as sackcloth of hair which is specifically mentioned only in the 6th seal.
Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
She specifically mentions the pouring out of the vials of God’s wrath in Revelation 16:1.
She then says “The seven angels stood before God to receive their commission. To them were given...
This is directly taken from Revelation 8:2 which says.
Rev 8:2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.
This specifically connects the seals, trumpets and plagues in a future end time description of the judgments of God upon the inhabitants of the world.
There is no other conclusion that you can derive from that statement. The trumpets, seals, and plagues are all future events related to the judgements of God. To try to dismiss the ramifications of this statement is nothing short of making of none effect the spirit of prophecy.
What happened on August 11th 1840
When we want to understand the trumpets of Revelation most Adventists generally go to Uriah Smith and the other pioneers to get their understanding. There is one statement from Ellen White which seems to give support to the pioneers interpretation of the trumpets. It is found in the 1888 and the 1911 versions of Great Controversy. This is the only mention of Josiah Litch or the date August 11 1840 in all of her writings. It is not even mentioned in the 1884 Great Controversy. Highlighted below are the two times that this event is mentioned.
GC 334.4 (1911) In the year 1840 another remarkable fulfillment of prophecy excited widespread interest. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman Empire. According to his calculations, this power was to be overthrown "in A.D. 1840, sometime in the month of August;" and only a few days previous to its accomplishment he wrote: "Allowing the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by permission of the Turks, and that the 391 years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of the first period, it will end on the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, I believe, will be found to be the case."--Josiah Litch, in Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, Aug. 1, 1840.
At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction. (See Appendix.) When it became known, multitudes were convinced of the correctness of the principles of prophetic interpretation adopted by Miller and his associates, and a wonderful impetus was given to the advent movement. Men of learning and position united with Miller, both in preaching and in publishing his views, and from 1840 to 1844 the work rapidly extended.
GC 334 (1888) In the year 1840, another remarkable fulfillment of prophecy excited widespread interest. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman empire, and specifying not only the year but the very day on which this would take place. According to this exposition, which was purely a matter of calculation on the prophetic periods of Scripture, the Turkish government would surrender its independence on the eleventh day of August, 1840. The prediction was widely published, and thousands watched the course of events with eager interest.
At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction. When it became known, multitudes were convinced of the correctness of the principles of prophetic interpretation adopted by Miller and his associates, and a wonderful impetus was given to the Advent movement. Men of learning and position united with Miller, both in preaching and publishing his views, and from 1840 to 1844 the work rapidly extended. {.5}
The first thing to note is that these two statements give very different accounts of the same event.
The 1911 GC states that Josiah Litch predicted the August 11 date only a few days before the event.
The 1888 GC states that he predicted the very date not only a few days before the event but two years earlier.
This is cause for concern. Why are these two statements about the same event so completely different. This also raises the question as to which one is correct because they both can’t be correct. Did Josiah Litch predict the fall of the Ottoman empire 2 years before or only a few days before the event?
Ellen White said that “the event exactly fulfilled the prediction”
Many take this statement as an endorsement from Ellen White of hard core evidence that the trumpets were fulfilled (at least the first six) in the past. Is she giving an endorsement of the Millerite interpretation of the trumpets, or was she merely recounting a noteable incident in the history of the Millerite movement?
Let us take a look at what Josiah Litch actually said in relation to this event in its context?
The Probability of the Second Coming of Christ about A.D. 1843
Josiah Litch.
“…But when will this power be overthrown? [the Turks or the Ottoman Empire] According to the calculations already made, that the five months ended 1449, the hour, fifteen days, the day, one year, the month, thirty years, and the year, three hundred and sixty years; in all, three hundred and ninety-one years and fifteen days, will end in A. D. 1840, some time in the month of August. The prophecy is the most remarkable and definite, (even descending to the days) of any in the Bible, relating to these great events. It is as singular as the record [158] of the time when the empire rose….[Revelation 10:1-7 are quoted] There shall be time no longer. This scene is to take place immediately after the end of the three hundred and ninety-one years and fifteen days, or the drying up of the great river Euphrates. There [159] shall be no more season of mercy; for in the days of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished. The great mystery of salvation by faith shall be ended, and the year of his redeemed will come.
This is available on the Ellen White research edition CD that has the pioneers writings on it.
Note : This was written by Josiah Litch in 1838 and he predicts two major events that are going to happen
- Turkey or the Ottoman Empire would come to its end sometime in the month of August 1840. His specific prediction of the 11th of August was not made at this point. [ This statement indicates that it is probably the 1911 Great Controversy that is correct.]
- The close of probation for all of humanity would take place at the same time as the end of the sixth trumpet.
More evidence of the connection of the close of probation with the end of the sixth trumpet was published in the Signs of the Times Aug 1 1840. This is where Litch also pinpointed the end of the sixth trumpet to the 11th of August only a few days before the event as the 1911 Great Controversy states.
August 1 1840
“As there has been much enquiry of late on the subject of the closing up of the day of grace, or probation, we here give the scriptures on which this opinion is founded, with some remarks and leave our readers to judge for themselves….Rev. x. 7. "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the Mystery of God should be finished, as he bath declared to his servants the prophets." It would appear from this, that upon the fall of the Turkish empire which will take place on the closing up of the " sixth vial" and "trumpet, "that the day of probation will close. Again, Rev. xi. 15. " And the seventh angel sounded ; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdom of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever." This most certainly closes up the gospel dispensation, and brings us to the glorified state ; for we are to "reign forever and ever. " This will take place when the seventh angel shall sound.
“.....Allowing the first period, 150 years to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by permission of the Turks, and that the 391 years 15 days commenced at the close of the first period, it will end in the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, I believe, will be found to be the case.”
Note: What are the events that Josiah Litch is predicting to happen on August 11th 1840.
- The fall of the Turkish Empire.
- The close of the sixth vial or plague
- The close of probation
All of these events were predicted to take place on the same day. It wasn’t just the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. We need to ask ourselves. Is this what Ellen White was referring to when she said that the “event exactly fulfilled the prediction.” Was she really endorsing Josiah Litch’s prophetic interpretation of the events that happened on that day. If we are trying to force a divine revelation of the fulfillment of Josiah Litch’s prophetic interpretation of the sixth trumpet then we are in real trouble. What we are really saying is that God lied to Ellen White, because the event predicted did not occur on the day specified.
I believe that God did not correct this error which has never been corrected even to this day. The Millerites prophetic understanding was not always 100 % correct. William Miller believed that the 7 last plagues happened during the dark ages of Papal rule. We know that God held his hand over a mistake in some of the figures on the 1843 chart. I believe this could be another mistake which God has held his hand over. I do not for one moment think that Ellen White was giving us a divine inspired endorsement of Josiah Litch’s prophetic interpretation. She did no more than simply recount this incident involving Josiah Litch as was generally believed by the pioneers at that time. She endorsed that position as it reflected the pioneer understanding of the trumpets at that time: a position which she was obviously in agreement with as the evidence available to them led them to believe this position. They were obviously not aware of any information regarding Josiah Litch which might have changed their position if it was made known.
I believe that if Ellen White and the pioneers were alive today and the information was available to them which is available today they probably would correct their understanding to reflect the information available.
I believe Ellen White and the pioneers were honest people, they just came to some wrong conclusions because of a lack of information. Otherwise you would have to conclude that they were all liars and deceivers and involved in a cover up. As they were all repeating the same line of reasoning it seems likely that they were just not aware of the truth about what happened on August 11th 1840.
We need to remember that no man is infallible. Only God and heaven are infallible. Even a prophet does not have complete omniscience. This is only something that belongs to God.
Ellen White herself stated. “I speak that I do know, I testify of that which I have seen.” 1888 Materials pge 441
Any prophet can only testify to what they know. I therefore believe that Ellen White and the pioneers only wrote what they were aware of regarding Josiah Litch. I believe if they had known otherwise they would have made it known.
RH July 26 1892 We have many lessons to learn, and many, many to unlearn. God and heaven alone are infallible. Those who think that they will never have to give up a cherished view, never have occasion to change an opinion, will be disappointed.
So Lets take a look at some of the evidence that is available to us.
What is wrong with Josiah Litch’s predictions that Ellen White and the pioneers were not aware of?
But still there is no positive evidence that the first period was exactly to a day, fulfilled; nor yet that the second period began, to a day, where the first closed. If they began and ended so, the above calculation will be correct. If they did not then there will be a variation in the conclusion; but the evidence is clear that there cannot be a years variation from that calculation; we must wait patiently for the issue.
But what, it is asked, will be the effect on your own mind, if it does not come out according to the above calculation? Will not your confidence in your theory be shaken? I reply, not all. The prophecy in hand is an issolated one; and a failure in the calculation does not necessarily affect any other calculation. But' yet, whenever it is fulfilled, whether in 1840, or at a future period, it will open the way for the scenes of the last day. Let no man, therefore, triumph, even if there should be an error of a few months in our calculation on this prophesy. L SIGNS OF THE TIMES August 1 1840
Note: What is he saying here? Remember this was written on August 1 1840 just 10 days before his predicted fall of the Ottoman Empire.
Here he is saying that there is no positive evidence to prove that the dates he is using are correct. This reference is to the date July 27th 1299 which was used as the beginning date for the beginning of the ottoman empire.
In 1838 he said it was a most remarkable prophecy even determining down to not just years but days. Two years later on August 1st he has some doubts. Even so he pushed on confident that his prediction would be true. But he has given himself some wiggle room if it doesn’t come to pass.
WHAT HAPPENED ON AUGUST 11th 1840 Did the Ottoman Empire disappear into oblivion on that day as predicted? Was it the close of probation? More importantly did it fulfill the sixth plague and the sixth trumpet?
November 1 1840
Mr Miller in his 8th lecture, makes the following remarks - "And whoever lives until the year 1839* wiII see the final dissolution of the Turkish empire, for then the sixth trumpet will have finished its sounding; which, if I am correct, will be the final overthrow of the Ottoman power. And then will the seventh trump and last woe begin, under which the kingdoms of the earth and else anti-christian beast will he destroyed, the powers of darkness chained, the world cleansed, and the church purified."
The following remarks of BRO. LITCH, on this question will be read with interest.
DEAR BROTHER HIMES—I seize a few moments to say the news, from the east is most thrilling on the public mind, so far as I have opportunity of witnessing.
What a prospect ! nothing short of one universal blaze of war all over the old world can be anticipated. It must and will come, and for it the nations are mustering. Well, so be it.
cc The plague, and death, and din of war,
Oar Savior's swift approach declare,
And bid our hearts arise;
Earth's basis shook, confirms our hope,
Its cities fall, but lifts us up,
To meet him in the skies."
The world have, since the 11th of August, had a strong disposition to triumph, as though they were past all danger, and could give full scope to their opposition to the doctrine of Christ's near approach. But what will they say now ? The calculation on the prophetic periods of Revelation, 9th chapter, were, that they would end August 11th, and that up to that period the Ottoman power would stand; but that that time would seal its doom.
Now what are the facts ? Why, that on the 15th of August, the Sultan, by his embassador, presented to the Pacha of Egypt the ultimatum of the four powers. He replied by an oath of God, or in other words, in the name of God, lsigned the death warrant of the Ottoman power.
" AN OATH BE GOD. I will not give up one foot of the land I possess, and if the powers make war upon me, I will turn the empire upside down, and be buried in its ruins:" MEHEMET Ali.
What is the result of that decision ? What do the politicians say is the result of it ? Why, a war of the most destructive character the world ever witnessed, Beyrout already in ruins, -and the hosts of Europe, Asia and Africa, mustering for still more dreadful scenes of slaughter and blood.
And well Mehemet knew that a war once begun on that question, would never end until Turkey was in ruins. That must be the result of the war. Finally, it is a very striking fulfillment of the calculation; for that decision was but four days after the Ilth of August, the period fixed for the termination or the prophecy. The like singular accuracy in the fulfilment of a prophetic period cannot be found in history. Will men lay it to heart? J. LITCH.
The time was given as near as it could be, unless the prophet had descended to reckon by minutes. An hour, a day, a month, and a year. An hour is fifteen days. The Ottoman power was given into the hands of the four powers just four days after the expiration of the time given by the prophet. He could not give it more definite without descending to minutes. The four days, would make just 16 minutes, so we have the fulfilment as near as it could be,given in prophetic time. Ed.
Lets take a look at what is being said here because this has real incredible implications.
- It is seen that William Miller firmly believed that Turkey would be completely overthrown which was also the view of Josiah Litch.
- An all out universal world war was anticipated.
- He admits that his prediction didn’t come true. Turkey wasn’t destroyed on the 11th of August.
- August 11th is no longer the date for the fulfillment of the sixth trumpet but it has been shifted 4 days to the 15th of August. The total destruction of Turkey is no longer the event that fulfills the prophecy. He declared that an ultimatum presented to the Pacha of Egypt from the 4 powers (4 Christian nations that made a defence treaty with Turkey) meets its fulfillment.
- Josiah finally says it is an amazing fulfillment despite being only 4 days off. “Finally, it is a very striking fulfillment of the calculation; for that decision was but four days after the Ilth of August, the period fixed for the termination or the prophecy. The like singular accuracy in the fulfilment of a prophetic period cannot be found in history”
Really! did he just say that? The fulfillment of the sixth trumpet is no longer the overthrow of Turkey. It has been changed to an ultimatum presented to the Pacha of Egypt. And it didn’t even happen on the predicted date. It was 4 days late. But that’s ok because John the Revelator forgot to mention that there was an extra 16 minutes of prophetic time that should have been in the calculation. This is some serious damage control. Josiah not only changed the time of the prophecy but also the event of its fulfillment. This is serious stuff.
The original prediction was made that the Ottoman empire would be destroyed on Aug 11th 1840. Probation would be closed and the sixth plague would be poured out. This did not happen as predicted. So the prediction has now been changed. To an ultimatum made by the 4 Christian powers. But as this also did not happen until the 15th of August he has now changed the date of the fulfillment to the 15th of August. Still all the while claiming that it is a remarkable fulfillment as it is only 4 days off the mark.
Let us analyze this for a moment.
- Josiah Litch has not only changed the predicted event to be fulfilled but he has also changed the predicted date as well.
This was supposed to be a remarkable fulfillment of prophecy. It was supposed to be calculated specifically right down to the very day. According to Litch’s own words
“But when will this power be overthrown? According to the calculations already made, that the five months ended 1449, the hour, fifteen days, the day, one year, the month, thirty years, and the year, three hundred and sixty years; in all, three hundred and ninety-one years and fifteen days, will end in A. D. 1840, some time in the month of August. The prophecy is the most remarkable and definite, (even descending to the days) of any in the Bible, relating to these great events”
There is no other prophecy in the Bible where a predicted fulfillment had been made to the very day. This means that the beginning and the ending have to be on a specific date. If the end date is wrong then the beginning date would be incorrect as well otherwise you cannot calculate it to the specific date.
If the end date is now changed to August 15th 1840 then the beginning date could not have been the 27th of July 1299 this would make the beginning date 31st July 1299 instead. This means that the whole prophecy comes unraveled.
Instead of accepting a mistake it is often the case that we go into denial and try to prop it up somehow. To say that something is so remarkable that it could be predicted to the very day and then change the date by 4 days while still claiming it to be a remarkable fulfillment because it was only 4 days off is pretty stupid. If we accept that, we are also pretty stupid. Is God accurate or not?
Something went wrong. The denial is so great that by the late 1800’s this interpretation is still being preached by nearly all Adventists.
Decades latter this is what our denominational leaders were saying.
AT Jones
According to this statement, the ultimatum was officially put into the hands of Mehemet Ali on the ELEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1840.
"Yesterday." the 11th of August, the sultan applied in his own capital to the ambassadors of the four Powers, to know the measures which were to be taken in reference to a circumstance vitally affecting his empire; and was only told that "provision had been made," but he could not know what it was; and that he need give himself no alarm "about any contingency that might afterward arise!" From that time, then, they, not he, would manage that.
Where, then, was Turkish supremacy Aug. 11, 1840? -- It was gone. Who now held the power? -- The four great Powers of Europe. Therefore, according to the calculation made and published in 1838, on the basis of the times given in the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets -- that on Aug. 11, 1840, the Turkish supremacy would cease -- on that very day the Turkish supremacy did cease. 1901, The Great Nations of Today p 81 A.T.Jones
Jones believed that the placing of the ultimatum from the 4 christian powers was the fulfillment of the prophecy and this happened according to him on the 11th of august.
Uriah Smith
It is apparent that just as soon as this ultimatum should be put by the sultan into the hands of Mehemet Ali, the matter would be forever beyond the control of the former, and the disposal of his affairs would, from that moment, be in the hands of foreign powers. The sultan despatched Rifat Bey on a government steamer to Alexandria, to communicate the ultimatum to the pasha. It was put into his hands, and by him taken in charge, on the eleventh day of August, 1840!. On the same day, a note was addressed by the sultan to the ambassadors of the four powers, inquiring what plan was to be adopted in case the pasha should refuse to comply with the terms of the ultimatum, to which they made answer that provision had been made, and there was no necessity of his alarming himself about any contingency that might arise. This day the period of three hundred and ninety-one years and fifteen days, allotted to the continuance of the Ottoman power, ended; and where was the sultan's independence? - GONE! Who had the supremacy of the Ottoman empire in their hands? - The four great powers; and that empire has existed ever since only by the sufferance of these Christian powers. Thus was the prophecy fulfilled to the very letter. Daniel and Revelation p 516 Uriah Smith
James White
The Sultan did despatch Rifat Bey in a government steamer (which left Constantinople Aug. 5) to Alexandria, to communicate to Mehemet the ultimatum.
This was a voluntary governmental act of the Sultan.
The question now comes up, when was that document put officially under the control of Mehemet Ali? The following extract from a letter of a correspondent of the London Morning Chronicle, of Sep. 18, 1840, dated, Constantinople, Aug. 27th, 1840, will answer the question:
"By the French steamer of the 24th, we have advice from Egypt to the 16th. They show no alteration in the resolution of the Pacha. Confiding in the valor of his Arab army, and in the strength of the fortifications which defend his capital, he seems determined to abide by the last alternative; and as recourse to this, therefore, is not inevitable, all hope may be considered as at an end of a termination of the affair without bloodshed. Immediately on the arrival of the Cyclops steamer with the news of the convention of the four powers, Mehemet Ali, it is stated, had quitted Alexandria, to make a short tour through Lower Egypt. The object of his absenting himself at such a moment being partly to avoid conferences with the European consuls, but principally to endeavor, by his own presence, to arouse the fanaticism of the Bedouin tribes, and facilitate the raising of his new levies. During the interval of his absence, the Turkish government steamer, which had reached Alexandria on the 11th, with the envoy Rifat Bey on board, had been by his orders placed in quarantine, and she was not released from it till the 16th. Previous, however, to the Porte's leaving, and on the very day on which he had been admitted to pratique, the above named functionary had had an audience of the Pacha, and had communicated to him the command of the Sultan, with respect to the evacuation of the Syrian provinces, appointing another audience for the next day, when, in the presence of the consuls of the European powers, he would receive from him his definite answer, and inform him of the alternative of his refusing to obey; giving him the ten days which have been allotted him by the convention to decide on the course he should think fit to adopt."
According to the foregoing statement, the ultimatum was officially put into the power of Mehemet Ali, and was disposed of by his orders, viz., sent to quarantine, on the ELEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1840. 0The Sounding of the Seven Trumpets p 64 James White
James white believed that the ultimatum was officially put into the power of Mehemet Ali on the 11th of August 1840 and it was this event that fulfilled the sixth trumpet. Was this correct? Was the ultimatum officially put into the power of Mehemet Ali on the 11th of August?
SN Haskell
The power which came on the stage of action July 27, 1449, was to bear sway for an hour and a day and a month and a year,-three hundred ninety-one years and fifteen days, literally speaking.
This is a wonderful prophecy, the only one in the Bible where the time of the fulfillment is given to the very day. At the end of this period, Turkey would cease to be an independent power. Three hundred and ninety-one years and fifteen days from July 27, 1449, brings us to August 11, 1840. There are four great waymarks in the world's history connected with Constantinople. First, when it was founded in 330 a. d. second, its capture by the Turks July 27, 1449; third, when the sultan of Turkey signed away his independence August 11, 1840. There is no date given for the fourth great waymark; namely, when the capital of Turkey will be removed from Constantinople to Jerusalem "between the seas in the glorious holy mountain."
This treaty was signed, and the ultimatum was officially put in the power of Mehemet Ali on August 11, 1840. Since that time Turkey has been known everywhere as the "Sick Man of the East." Daniel prophesied concerning him, saying, "He shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him." At any moment, when the jealous powers of Europe can decide, either peaceably, or in battle, which one of them shall occupy Constantinople, the "Sick Man" will speedily take his departure from Europe. That movement, for which nations are now on the Margin alert, will be the sign of still more important changes in the heavenly court.
The importance of the prophecy, and the exactness with which it was fulfilled, to the very day, should lead to a careful investigation of that divine history, which circles about the years 1840 to 1844. The Story of the Seer of Patmos p 178.1 S.N. Haskell
The following statements are taken from the Pioneers Library
Source Book for Bible Students Containing Valuable Quotations Relating to the History, Doctrines, and Prophecies of the Scriptures
Book Code: SBBS
Date of Publication: 1919
Eastern Question, Negotiations with Egypt.--The news of the conclusion of the treaty of July had reached Constantinople, and despite some dissensions in the interior of the divan, and some objections by his mother, the sultana Valide, the sultan, always under the influence of Redschid Pasha, hastened to accept it, and forwarded the ratification to London, instructing Rifat Bey to carry tó Alexandria the successive summonses, which, in the terms of the treaty, the Porte was to address to the pasha. Rifat Bey arrived at Alexandria on the 11th of August; but found no Mehemet Ali there. He had been for some days on a tour in lower Egypt, under the pretext of visiting the canals of the Nile, but in reality to gain time, and prepare his means of defense. Having returned to Alexandria on the 14th, he received Rifat Bey on the 16th, and without entering into discussion with him-scarcely giving him time to speak-he rejected the first summons prescribed by the treaty. On the following day (the 17th), the consuls of the four subscribing powers asked an audience, and remonstrated with him on his refusal. He repulsed them sharply, cut short Colonel Hodges, the English consul, and persevered in his remonstrance, saying, "I shall only yield to the saber what I have won by the saber."-"The Life and Times of Viscount Palmerston," James Ewing Richie, Division II, p. 529. The London Printing and Publishing Company, 1866. {1919, SBBS 152.7}
Eastern Question, Rifat Bey's First Interview with Mehemet Ali.—Constantinople, Aug. 27, 1840: By the French steamer of the 24th [of August], we have advices from Egypt to the 16th, but they show no alteration in the resolution of the pasha. Confiding in the valor of his Arab army, and in the strength of the fortifications which defended his capital, he seems determined to abide by the last alternative; and as recourse to this is, therefore, now inevitable, all hope may be considered at an end of a termination of the affair without bloodshed. Immediately on the arrival of the Cyclops steamer with the news of the convention with the four powers, Mehemet Ali, it is stated, had quitted Alexandria to make a short tour through lower Egypt: the object of his absenting himself at such a moment being partly to avoid conferences with the European consuls, but principally to endeavor by his own presence to rouse the fanaticism of the Bedouin tribes, and facilitate the raising of his new levies. During the interval of this absence, the Turkish government steamer, which had reached Alexandria on the 11th, with the envoy, Rifat Bey, on board, had been by his orders placed in quarantine, and she was not released from it till the 16th. . . . {1919, SBBS 153.1}
On the very day on which he had been admitted to pratique [certificate of permission to land passenger and crew], the above named functionary had had an audience of the pasha, and had communicated to him the commands of the sultan with respect to the evacuation of the Syrian provinces, appointing another audience for the following day, when, in the presence of the consuls of the European powers, he would receive from him his definitive answer, and inform him of the alternative of his refusing to obey, giving him the ten days which have been allotted him by the convention to decide on the course he shall think fit to adopt.—London Morning Chronicle, Sept. 18, 1840. {1919, SBBS 153.2}
What is a pratique
PRATIQUE, n. In commerce, primarily, converse; intercourse; the communication between a ship and the port in which she arrives. Hence, a license or permission to hold intercourse and trade with the inhabitants of a place, after having performed quarantine, or upon a certificate that the ship did not come from an infected place; a term used particularly in the south of Europe, where vessels coming from countries infected with contagious diseases, are subjected to quarantine.
Pratique – clearance granted to a ship to proceed into port after compliance with health regulations or quarantine.
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This pratique is a certificate or licence giving permission to land after having perfomed quarantine. Therefore on the very day on which they were released from quarantine which was the 16th of August this is the day that Refat Bey had his audience with the pasha
What What
Colonel Hodges to Viscount Ponsonby
[Extract] Alexandria, August 16, 1840.
On the arrival of Rifat Bey in Alexandria, Mehemet Ali was absent from thence on a tour of the Delta.
The Pasha returned to this city on the afternoon of the 14th instant. The same evening he was visited by the French Consul-General.
Early this morning, Rifat Bey was liberated from quarantine, and at half past eight o'clock, a. m., he had his first audience with the Pasha. This was private, as had been arranged between Rifat Bey and the consuls-general of the four powers.
It appears that the reception of the sultan's envoy was anything but gracious or favorable; but the results of that interview are fully related by Rifat Bey himself, in minutes which I have the honor to inclose. Discouraged by want of his success, Rifat Bey at first proposed an immediate return to Constantinople; but in conjunction with my colleagues, I represented to him the propriety of awaiting the expiration of the first and second periods of ten days specified in the Convention, and at the termination of which it will be proper to make new and formal summonses of compliance. With these suggestions Rifat Bey has fully concurred, and we have exerted our joint efforts to encourage the envoy, and to console him for his recent check.—Id., p. 149.
Eastern Question, The Step of 1841.—Mohammed Ali, by the treaty of [July 13,] 1841, was confined to his Egyptian possessions, under the suzerainty of the sultan, the integrity and independence of whose empire was now placed formally under the guarantee of the great powers. The treaty of 1841 was a new and vital departure: Turkey was for the first time placed in a state of tutelage.—"The Story of Turkey," Stanley Lane-Poole, p. 350. London and New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1888.
TU'TELAGE, n. [from L. tutela, protection, from tueor,to defend.]
1. Guardianship; protection; applied to the person protecting; as, the king's right of seignory and tutelage.
2. State of being under a guardian.
Accdording to the above statement Turkey was placed under guardianship for the first time by a treaty Dated july 13 1841.
Eastern Question, Official Correspondence of August, 1840.--On the 11th instant Rifat Bey, bearer of the demands of the Sublime Porte, reached Alexandria. The general object of his mission soon began to be known in the city, and as the French and Russian consuls-general had within a few days officially mentioned the merchants and residents of their respective nations, I felt that the time was now arrived to follow that example. I therefore addressed to Mr. Consul Larking the inclosed dispatch of the 11th instant, which produced the three subsequent letters of the 12th, 14th, and 15th of August, all of which I have the honor to submit to your perusal.—Extract of Letter from Colonel Hodges to Viscount Palmerston, dated Alexandria, Egypt, Aug. 17, 1840, and received September 9; in Parliamentary Papers, Vol. XXIX, part 2, p. 143.
Sir: The resolutions which have been taken by four of the great European powers for the pacification of the East, the arrival this morning of a special envoy from the Sublime Porte, and the inflexible demeanor assumed by Mehemet Ali, have inspired some doubt as to the continuance of friendly relations with that Pasha.—Inclosure 1 in above Letter No. 116, Colonel Hodges to Mr. Consul Larking, dated Alexandria, Aug. 11, 1840.
This day, Sunday, at 2 o'clock, Turkish time, His Excellency Rifat Bey proceeded to Mehemet Ali, at his express invitation, accompanied by the individuals attached to his person, and the result of the interview which took place between them, is contained in the following lines.—Inclosure 3 in Letter No. 117, report of interview between Rifat Bey and Mehemet Ali.
My Lord: I have the honor to inclose for the information of your Lordship, the minute of an interview which took place this morning between Mehemet Ali and His Excellency Rifat Bey, the special envoy from the Sublime Porte, who was accompanied by the consuls-general of the four powers parties to the Convention of the 15th July.—Letter
No. 130, Colonel Hodges to Viscount Palmerston, dated Alexandria, Aug. 26, 1840, received September 9.
Minute of an interview of the 26th of August, between Mehemet Ali and Rifat Bey, accompanied by the consuls-general of the four powers, on the expiration of the first term of ten days.—Inclosure in Letter No. 130.
My Lord: Yesterday morning His Excellency Rifat Bey, together with his consuls-general of the four powers, parties to the Convention of the 15th of July, waited on Mehemet Ali in order to receive his final reply to the demands of the Sublime Porte. The Pasha being confined to his room by a painful indisposition, gave his official answer through the medium of his minister Sami Bey. }
The details of our interview are contained in the minute I have the honor to inclose, and of which the origiandnal was yesterday forwarded to His Excellency Viscount Ponsonby, at Constantinople. The hasty departure of His Excellency Rifat Bey, and the consequent want of his signature, prevent my forwarding to your Lordship a duplicate instead of a copy.—Letter No. 190, Colonel Hodges to Viscount Palmerston, datedAlexandria, September 6, 1840, received October 6.
The facts are undeniable. The sixth trumpet did not sound. In fact the instruction given after the disappointment of 1844 is very applicable: Revelation 10:11 Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. What has appeared as a fulfilment of prophecy for so long and sweet as honey has become bitter (Revelation 10:10). There is a world to be warned - 'Prepare to meet thy God.' The trumpets are soon to blow. The loud cry is about to sound! Prophesy again is the admonition we are given! Will you join God's commandment keeping people and the loud cry and prophesy again?
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